Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Kelly's on the move! Why?!?

It seems that my fellow IBM blogger, Kelly, has moved off Blogger and to greener (at least she tells me) pastures.

Blogger is my first attempt at a blog, so I am not overly familiar with the various "engines" out there. However, Kelly's move has me wondering...is there indeed better environments out there?!? Hey, if it gives me a better editor than what Blogger provides (where at least I can type in HTML without fear of reformatting), I think I would be gone in a second. Especially since I do not yet have much baggage to tie me down anywhere.

So I'm asking the blogosphere at large (OK, the two people who read me - Hi mom!): Why would I want to stay with Blogger and why would I want to move to the "X" engine/site?


Anonymous said...

Yes =) move, get out of the Google empire.

I recommend wordpress for a free service. famous bloggers like kelly and scoble have already done this.

or Typepad for a paid, professional service. better service and has a real business behind it, with a revenue model that is.

Selrahc's Gold said...

Thanks Timothy!

I am already looking at Wordpress and I'll have a look at Typepad - although I think I should stick to a free service for now...

Anonymous said...

Come to WordPress.

It really does have fantastic features and it is improving all the time - another new one (Friend Surfer) was added yesterday. Blogger has stagnated since Google bought it. I left back in March, and barring the initial frustration with the lack of ability to embed any-old-script in the sidebar, I love it!

The only slightly misleading thing is that currently, WP.com can't import from the "new" Blogger :-(

Anonymous said...

Hi Charles ! Yes, indeed, like already suggested, get going and join us at the magic world of WordPress, whether you host your own or over at WordPress.com the difference is just so huge ! I have been hosting my own already for over a year and it has been a total delight. So go for it !

Oh, by the way, welcome to the Internet Blogosphere ! ;-)

Per Henrik Lausten said...

Hey, blogger.com is not that bad. I use it for my own hosted blog. I am considering wordpress though due to the wealth of plugins available. I just need to convince myself to do the installations necessary to get wp to work on an IIS server...

BTW: I am one of your 2 bloglines subscribers - but it appears that you have many more using other readers :-)

Selrahc's Gold said...

Thanks Andy, Luis, and Per Henrik!

That's it. I'm going over and giving this a try...

Selrahc's Gold said...

OK. So I've created a blog over at Wordpress and so far so good - at least the HTML editor worked properly!

Now to explore further...

Selrahc's Gold said...

For those interested, I now have Selrahc's Platinum (http://selrahcspt.wordpress.com/) on Wordpress.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a fuss I stirred up! :-) I still owe the world a "blogger vs. wordpress" post with my (admittedly unimportant), but there's a turkey waiting tomorrow with my name on it.

Maybe Friday.htt